The Best Dog Food for Skin Allergies - Best Natural Food Options

You notice your dog is scratching incessantly and biting its paws because it seems to have year round itching. There are multiple reasons as to why your dog has itchy skin. A major reason for it is food allergies. Topical treatments such as creams and shampoos can provide relief to itching but as pet owners, you should also consider the inside out approach as well. There are natural  foods that you can feed your dog to help it heal while ensuring that it receives all the nutrients it needs. 

What is the best food for dogs with dry itchy skin? 

Natural foods that can help with dry itchy skin include those that contain amino acids such as omega-3 and methionine, essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B and trace minerals such as zinc. 

As your dog’s dry itchy skin can also be caused by an allergic reaction to protein, you can give it a novel protein diet such as crocodile meat, kangaroo meat, fish and venison, or limited ingredient diet to help manage the allergy. For example, if your dog has a chicken allergy, you should opt for chicken free dog food

Finding what works for your dog may take some trial and error as there is clearly no one answer or cause for skin allergies in dogs

skin allergies in dogs
Photo by Brady Rogers on Unsplash

Eggs are good for dogs with itchy skin

Yes, eggs are good for dogs with itchy skin. In fact, they are a very nutritious treat for your dog. Eggs are a source of protein that is full of fatty acids that work to keep your dog’s skin and coat healthy. It is also full of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A and vitamin B, iron, selenium and folate. Eggs can be given to your dog raw or cooked, but cooking it removes some of the vitamins and minerals.  

eggs for dogs
Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash

Dogs can also eat eggshells, which contain a ton of calcium, as well as magnesium potassium and other minerals that help to build bones, teeth, and muscles. So don’t throw the eggshells away after you crack the eggs for your dog. 

If you plan on giving your dog eggs, you will need to consider factors such as breed, age, weight as well as their current diet and activity levels. Eggs usually contain 55 to 75 calories each. You will have to adjust your dog’s calorie intake accordingly. For small breed dogs, you can beat the egg and give one egg over a few meals to accommodate the extra calories. 

Fish oil is a natural remedy for dog’s itchy skin

Fish oil can help with itchy skin. It contains plenty of omega-3 fatty acids and is one of the best supplements that you can add to your dog’s food. Fish oil not only helps to reduce itchy and flaky skin, it also relieves allergies, joint pain and promotes heart health. 

The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil also plays a role in strengthening your dog’s immune system, which in turn helps your dog to fight allergies and diseases. 

Fish based diet

You can also try feeding your dog fish based food. Most fish generally contain a good amount of protein as well as omega-3 fatty acids that are extremely effective in reducing inflammation in dogs who are having an allergic reaction. 

Salmon is a great option if you want to include fish in your dog’s diet. It is a great source of omega-3 fatty acid as well as other vitamins such as A, D and B and minerals such as zinc, potassium and magnesium. However, do ensure that you only give your dog salmon that is properly cooked as raw or undercooked salmon can cause salmon poisoning disease in dogs. Petcubes’ gently cooked king salmon is carefully prepared to ensure that your dog receives all the benefits of this protein

As dogs are unable to produce omega-3 on their own, it is an essential fatty acid that they need to get from their diet. Omega-3 is also important as it helps to balance out omega-6 fatty acids that are found in abundance in processed foods and grains. 

Many times, dogs end up with too much omega-6 fatty acids in their diets simply because dog food manufacturers use refined oils and meat from corn fed animals in their products. Thus, adding fish oil to your dog’s diet helps balance these fatty acids in your dog’s body. 

Raw dog food for skin allergies 

Natural, raw dog food is also another way that you can help your dog if the allergic symptoms on its skin is due to a food allergy. Natural raw dog food can help because it is free of additives, preservatives and fillers. 

raw dog food

Raw diets help to strengthen your dog’s immune system. When your dog’s immune system is strong, it will be better able to fight off allergies and other illnesses. Petcubes’ raw dog food is full of amino acids, enzymes, and antioxidants to ensure that your dog gets all the nutrients it needs to stay strong and healthy. 

How will I know which food is best for my dog? 

It may take some time before you find the best dog food for skin allergies for your pet. There is no definitive answer as one type of food can work for one dog but not for another. The best foods for your dog with allergies will be those that keep it healthy while not causing any allergic reactions. 

You will however, have to consider factors such as price (food specially designed for allergies can be expensive), your dog’s breed, age as well as your vet’s recommendations when choosing the right food for your dog. 

You can start with giving your dog a novel protein diet, where you feed your dog proteins that it has never eaten before. This ensures that your dog is not allergic to the new protein. 

Limited ingredient dog food can also help to keep skin allergies at bay. You will be able to compare the ingredients for previous and current diets and eliminate it if you suspect that your dog is having a reaction to it. 

Another aspect you need to look at is the treats that you are giving your dog. Ensure that it does not contain ingredients that your dog is allergic to. Remember to check all labels as even ‘all natural’ treats may contain ingredients that your dog cannot agree with. You can opt for treats that are formulated for dogs with allergies. 


Skin allergies can be worrisome especially if your dog’s incessant scratching leads to sores and wounds. While topical creams, medicated shampoos and medicine will help your pet, its diet also plays a large role in keeping allergies at bay. A nutritious, balanced diet will help build your dog’s immune system which will help your dog fight allergies and other sickness. While it might take you some time and effort before you find the best dog food for your dog, a healthy, happy, loving pup is indeed a great reward!